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CIA Would Kill Hillary Clinton If She Tries To Release Secret UFO Files - UFOlogist

The CIA kill Hillary Clinton if she release secret UFO files - UFOlogist. What a strong allegation! So, the CIA has been guarding such files all this time?

Dec 08, 20231354 Shares50163 Views
  • A UFO expert warns that the CIA would kill former First Lady Hillary Clinton if she becomes U.S. President and demands all secret UFO files be released to the public.
  • The warning was made by Scott C. Waring in UFO Daily Sightings blogsite.
  • Waring claims JFK was killed by the CIA in 1963 for asking it to release all pertinent information on UFOs.
The CIA kill Hillary Clinton if she release secret UFO files - UFOlogistmakes such claims.
The Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) would kill Hillary Clinton if she becomes president of the United States and demands to have the secret UFO (unidentified flying object) files be released to the public, a UFOlogist warned.
Scott C. Waring, owner and editor of UFO Daily Sightings blogsite, made the warning after Clinton, a Democratic presidential nomination frontrunner, told a journalist during a campaign sortie in New Hampshire last week to “get to the bottom of it” when asked about her position on UFOs and extraterrestrials.
The former Secretary of State also promised to set up a task force that would investigate Area 51, an Air Force facility that has been long rumored to house aliens recovered from an alleged UFO crash site in Roswell, New Mexico.
Waring is also the author of UFO Sightings of 2006-2009 (2010).

Grave Threat

Waring wrote in UFO Daily Sightings on January 4, 2016 that the CIA would kill Hillary Clinton, just like they did to JFK (John F. Kennedy), the 35th president of the United States.
The UFO expert claimed Clinton doesn’t have the power to release the information.
Waring wrote:
The CIA would kill her before she could, just like they did to JFK.- Scott C. Waring
In the blog, Waring said JFK wrote a memo to the CIA on November 12, 1963, demanding the release of all pertinent UFO information. The UFOlogist also shared in his post a copy of JFK’s memo to the CIA.

Waring’s Claims

Here’s the text of Scott C. Waring’s post:
“Presidential candidate Hillary Clinton doesn’t know it yet, but she does not have the power to release such information. The CIA would kill her before she could, just like they did to JFK.
Yes, just a week before his death, JFK wrote a memo to the CIA to release all pertinent info to NASA, but somehow, he was killed before it happened. I was the 1st to publish this document in my book, ‘UFO Sightings of 2006-2009.’
JFK wrote the memo to the CIA on November 12, 1963, then on November 22, 1963, he was killed by the CIA. That’s how U.S. politics work.
Hillary will be too scared of the CIA to release such information, or she needs to reassign all heads of the CIA to make sure they are on her team.”
Do you think there will be a U.S. president in the future who will order the release of alleged UFO files to the public - and succeed in doing so?
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