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Docu Film Exposes Alleged Chinese Prisoners’ Organs Being Harvested While Still Alive

The docu film chinese prisoners organs are the content of the news. PBS produced a documentary titled Hard To Believe in an attempt to investigate and expose the alleged issue of forced live organ harvesting from the Falun Gong sect, also known as prisoners of conscience in China.

Mar 15, 2023
The docu film chinese prisoners organsare the content of the news. PBS produced a documentary titled Hard To Believe in an attempt to investigate and expose the alleged issue of forced live organ harvesting from the Falun Gong sect, also known as prisoners of conscience in China.

Documentary Sheds Light On Live Organ Harvesting In China And Lack Of International Response

The documentary is a collaborative effort of an investigative journalist and China enthusiast Ethan Gutmann, Canadian human rights lawyer and Nobel Peace Prize nominee David Matas, and Canadian Secretary of State David Kilgour in their endeavor to delve into the truth - or untruth - concerning live organ harvesting in China, and the subsequent response - or lack thereof - around the world, as shared in a Daily Mail Online report by Imogen Calderwood on October 3, 2015.
The documentary is the first in-depth look at why the world ignores "one of the most catastrophic human rights violations in our time."
The director of the documentary, Ken Stone, was interviewed by Mail Online and revealed his views, saying:
What drew me to the story was that the evidence was so strong and yet it’s hardly talked about. What we did was explore why the reports and documentaries have gotten so little attention?- Ken Stone
Furthermore, he said: “A number of people have come up with such strong evidence, but they are consistently ignored.”
Meanwhile, sharing his views on what is currently happening in China, Gutmann said:
There’s a general tendency to not want to look at atrocities in the face. We acknowledge a terrible atrocity only after it’s over. Look at how long it took before the Holocaust was recognized.- Gutmann
Falun Gong is a religious sect that believes that exercise and meditation improve physical health, spirituality, and moral awareness.
Li Hongzhi founded it in 1992, and in seven years, the group's membership had grown significantly.

China's Transplant Crisis: The Forced Organ Harvesting Of The Falun Gong

However, the Chinese government began to crack down on the sect in 1999, and members were imprisoned.
Gutmann began his investigation in 2006, after witnessing Falun Gong's suppression in Beijing in 1999. Rumors began to circulate that members of the religious group were subjected to physical examinations; however, the examinations were not for their overall health, but for the health of their internal organs, which were later allegedly removed from them.
Former Falun Gong prisoners were interviewed, as was a surgeon who admitted to removing internal organs from living people.
According to the report, at least 40,000 Falun Gong prisoners were killed for their organs. China has stated that at least 10,000 transplants are performed each year, with the proceeds allegedly coming from executed prisoners.
However, Dui Hua, a prisoner rights organization based in the United States, refuted such figures, revealing that only 2,400 prisoners were executed in China in 2013.
The film was shown in the United States during Chinese President Xi Jinping's visit and address to the United Nations this week.
Falun Gong supporters also took to the streets, seeking international support and attention for what is happening in China.
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